This new disease of Corona virus (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered corona virus.

The MHRD Ministry has started an unprecedented consultation process from January 1st 2015, which was a collaboration based, multi-stakeholder, multi-dimensional, bottom-up, public-centric, inclusive, and interactive process also. It has been consulted at many levels with online, experts, theme based and ground-level consultation, in which the comprehensive process of village, block, urban local body, district, state, division, national level, organized by the national level, Provided an opportunity to join massive work Many personal and profound discussions were organized with the broad stake holders.

               વાંચો કોરોના અંગે નાં સમાચાર

After that, we have former Cabinet Secretary, late T.S. Under the chairmanship of R Subramanian, the committee was constituted for the development of the new education policy of 2020. Based on this report submitted in May 2016 also, the Ministry has prepared "some suggestions for the New Education Policy of year (format) 2016".

           કોરોના પછી કેટલા દિવસે રસી લેવી

At this time, there are nothing any specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments for this corona virus. Very soon this vaccines coming in India. Country of Russia search this corona vaccine and country of India has also research this corona vaccine. And Declare this vaccine about date of 15th August. WHO will continue to provide updated of corona virus information as soon as clinical findings become available.