Gujarat Police Exam preparation complete syllabus covered with MCQ questions.
Gujarat Police Exam preparation app includes topics like General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Computer Knowledge, Psychology, History, Geography, Social Studies, General Mental Ability, General Science, Constitution of India (Primary level), etc.
App includes all topic as per syllabus. You can also give mock test for Gujarat Police Exam.
Law (Kaydo) (Gujarat Police Constable Exam) Gujarati: (1) IPC in Gujarati (2) CRPC in Gujarati (3) Indian Evidence Act - 1872 in Gujarati
Gujarat Police Constable previous year Question Paper and model prepared by our team.
We do not have any connection with the government and we do not represent any government entity. We gather information from various government organization websites which are available in the public domain and list that information in easy to read format. All the content provided here is only for the informational purposes to the users. All the information is available on the Govt official websites and students/aspirants can also check the govt websites for the same. We visit various govt websites, find all other required information and then add it to the app in an easy to read and follow format, including the links to official Govt website.