(MDM) Mid Day Meal An advertisement is available for the following posts. Eligible candidates are advised to pass on the approved advertisement and use for this post.
You can find other facts about the container such as old growth limit, doctrinal qualification, medley procedure, device fee and how to place it agreed below.
District Project Coordinator and MDM at taluka level in mid-day meal scheme. 11 of the Supervisor Candidates with suitable qualifications and sufficient experience to opt for Mass Contract Based Recruitment Requests are made by requests.
(MDM) Mid Day Meal Recruitment 2021
Post name:-
Project Coordinator
MDM Supervisor :-
Educational Qualification:-
If you are capable for this post first please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Selection Process:-
Applicants will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply ?:-
Eligible Applicants may send their application and necessary documents to the given address in the advertisement.
Notification :-Click here
Note:- Applicants are suggested to read the official notification before applying.